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Joining the loyalty card scheme is easy
Holwood Farm loyalty card is free - and easy to join. Simply speak to a member of staff at the shop checkout and we'll sign you up there and then. Then every time you make a purchase, present your card so your points can be added.
Redeem your points whenever you choose
Redeeming your points couldn’t be simpler. Show the cashier your card and notify them that you want to redeem some or all of your points in part or as full payment for your purchases. You can spend your points at the Farm Shop or Coffee Shop, whenever you wish.
As a Loyalty Cardholder you can opt in to receive our email newsletter. We only send occasional emails, never pass on your details to other companies and you can unsubscribe by clicking the 'unsubscribe email' on our email or by emailing us.
See our latest newsletter here
See a selection of past newsletters here