Call us 01689 638381

Sourcing the best of British meat, poultry and game, Holwood Farm's friendly master butchers are always on hand to discuss the tastiest cuts and offer the personal service you’d expect from a traditional family butchery, including tips on buying, preparing and cooking your meat.
Provenance, welfare and quality are of utmost importance at Holwood Farm and our butchery team have carefully sourced the finest meats, including Black Angus beef from the glens of Scotland, quality lamb grazed on the salt marshes of Wales, pork from free range pigs fed on apples in Essex, free range chicken from Devon and Kentish outdoor reared turkey.
If you're after something special or don't see what you're looking for at Holwood Farm Butchery, please just ask. If the team can prepare it for you there and then they will or they can order in what you need.
You'll also find a range of prepared and ready to cook meat and poultry products, hand-made by our skilled butchers at the farm shop.
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