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Our lamb grazes on the Welsh salt marshes giving the lamb a unique flavour. The natural grasses provide a totally free-range environment for the animals to live. We will also have Romney Marsh Lamb during the season from June.
Lamb | |
Best Lamb Mince |
Our finest lean mince produced from lean cuts of leg and shoulder from Welsh Salt Marsh Lamb. |
Loin Chop |
Very tender, very tasty and easy to cook. |
Barnsley Chop |
A Barnsley chop is taken across the loin and is essentially a double-sided chop. Also known as a saddle chop. |
Chump Chop |
Chump chops are taken from the point where the top of the leg meets the loin. Chump chops are plump and lean. |
Cutlet of Lamb |
A cutlet is delicious and tender, an individual chop taken from the ribs (or rack). |
French Trim Cutlet |
French trim is simply where the bone is exposed and cleaned. |
French Trim Rack 4 Bone |
A rack of 4 cutlet chops with the bone exposed and cleaned. |
French Trim Rack 8 Bone |
A rack of 8 cutlet chops with the bone exposed and cleaned. |
Rump steak |
Rump is steak cut from the hind leg with a layer of fat and skin on the top which crisps up beautifully when roasted. Very tender with a lot of flavour. |
Diced Leg |
Diced lamb leg perfect for a tagine or kebabs. |
Diced Shoulder |
Diced shoulder is good at absorbing robust flavours for stews, casseroles and curries. |
Diced Neck Fillet |
Good for slow cooking in a stew or winter hotpot or braise until tender. |
Leg Whole |
Classic joint for Sunday roast. Roasting on the bone adds to the depth of flavour. |
Leg Boned Rolled |
Classic joint for Sunday roast. Roasting without the bone makes for easy carving. |
Butterflied Leg |
Perfect for cooking on the BBQ, skin side down for 80% of the cooking. |
Mint & Rosemary Butterflied Leg |
Marinated with mint and rosemary, perfect for cooking on the BBQ, skin side down for 80% of the cooking. |
Leg Cushion |
A cushion of lamb is made from the whole leg joint which is boned and formed into a rounded cushion shape and tied with string. |
Shoulder Boned Rolled |
The shoulder is a well-used muscle and full of flavour. It is best slow cooked to ensure the meat is tender. |
Minted Chops |
Marinated in mint to make a quick and easy supper. |
Minted Steak |
Marinated in mint to make a quick and easy supper. |
Shank |
Lamb shank is full of connective tissue, it is very flavourful. Should be slow cooked so the meat melts off the bone. |