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Pure Kent Honey

Whether you swear by local honey to help ward off hayfever or just fancy some delicious natural sweetness on your toast, you’ll be pleased to know that we stock a selection of Dan Geary's Pure Kent Honey, including Royal Kent Honey with added pollen. This is taken off hives in Kent, many in the vicinity of Holwood Farm.
It's best to ring ahead to be sure we have some in stock, as truly local Kentish honey is very sought-after.
Being a family-run business, we get to know our suppliers really well, and were concerned recently to hear from Dan that he was very worried about the loss of some of his hives. He went on to tell us that many hives are being lost across the UK. "Honey lasts forver, but bees are dying" reveals more about the latest situation on the plight of the UK's honeybees.