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Old School Thai spices up a cold day
Apr 08, 2013

Brett Cowie is the talented Thai chef behind "Old School Thai" red and green Thai curry pastes and we were delighted to welcome him to Holwood Farm one icy-cold "spring" Saturday to tempt our customers with some warming Thai curry.
In his fresh pastes, Brett has re-created traditional flavour combinations inspired by a childhood enjoying his grandmother’s recipes, and uses only natural ingredients to ensure true Thai flavours. The pastes are a fragrant fusion of garlic, galangal, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves and toasted spices, and contain the juicy chillies that give Thai curry its trademark bite.
The tasting certainly went down a treat and Brett was happy to answer questions about Thai cuisine and to give lots of advice about how to use his versatile curry pastes. Some of his ideas include:
- Add zest to meat by mixing a teaspoon of paste into homemade burgers.
- In a hurry? Tickle your taste buds with a delicious “quick Thai curry”. Simply cook fish, meat or vegetables with Old School Thai curry paste and stir in yoghurt or cream to finish.
- Liven up a chicken casserole with the fragrant herbs and spices found in just a teaspoon of Old School Thai curry paste.
- For an exciting mid-week meal, marinate pork chops in a dollop of curry paste and let the flavours mingle.
- Spice up vegetables with a spoonful of curry paste for an aromatic stir-fry with a kick.
Red or green?
Choose green paste for milder ingredients such as fish, chicken or mushrooms, while the red paste provides the perfect accompaniment to red meat and rich vegetables.